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Makutano is the DRC’s and the economic subregion’s premier business platform. Its strategic importance cannot be overstated.
Only Makutano allows key players to actively accelerate economic transformation, while opening the doors to cross-border partnerships. Through Makutano, the power of the region's collective intelligence is being harnessed for the first time to create robust and sustainable value.
In short, Makutano is an African led response to the economic challenges of the Congo and the sub-region, and a gateway to major international partners.
Makutano was born in 2015 from an unequivocal observation: the growth potential of an exceptional region is sclerotic by the limited interactions between the different actors of the Congo economic ecosystem. For Nicole Sulu, the founder of Makutano, the solution lies in :
By inviting the driving forces of the economic ecosystem of the DRC and the sub-region to dialogue, to pool their expertise and knowledge, to forge innovative partnerships and to define new reading and action frameworks, Makutano places African leadership at the center of the development equation and local & regional champions face their responsibilities.
For what ? Because they have expertise, experience, the resources essential to articulating a common vision, because Africa can only be a potential. Because leaders must play their role and cannot delegate it.
It is up to them to lead, enlighten, co-construct the individual and common successes of their continent.
This is the whole meaning of our brand signature:
IF WE DON’T, WHO WILL? If we don’t do it, who will? We, Congolese, Africans, we, business leaders, heads of state, opinion leaders, we, entrepreneurs and investors.
The actions of Makutano are organised around 3 key pillars: Business, Collective Economic Intelligence and Influence.