

Launched in January 2020, the Makutano Institute aims toinspire the development of regional economiesthrough the production of key strategic documents (reports, barometer, various publications), the articulation of well-documented proposalsandconcrete recommendationsin support of the public or private decision.
The Makutano Institute mobilizes the collective intelligence of leaders in the sub-region in the service of the common good.

Makutano Institute

The Makutano Institute is the scientific counterpart of the Makutano business network which has within it proven expertise in business and public management. Its aim is to conduct high-level reflection on various subjects related to socio-economic development, improvement of the business climate and corporate governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Africa and in the world.
The institute builds its knowledge production strategy by combining the expertise of practitioners, entrepreneurs or decision-makers, with research from academics or researchers from various backgrounds. The result is a series of analytical notes involving experts, studies carried out by researchers and seminars led by researchers and practitioners.
In addition, the Makutano Institute provides on-demand study production services on various subjects by mobilizing its network of experts and researchers. It is made available to national public institutions, international organizations or potential investors.

Contact Makutano Institute

To contact the Makutano Institute for information or for any other request, please use the contact form.  

