Wells to encourage health prevention
About fifty people responded to the fundraising that was organized within the Makutano network to provide access to
Lancée en 2018, la Fondation Makutano apporte appui technique et financier à des projets à forte valeur ajoutée rigoureusement sélectionnés par un comité réservé à cet effet.
La Fondation Makutano s’intéresse particulièrement aux sujets relatifs à l’éducation et au leadership féminin. Ainsi soutient-elle depuis janvier 2020 la construction d’un laboratoire de sciences et technologies à la Kivu International School de Goma sans oublier l’attribution de bourses scientifiques aux femmes en partenariat avec Investing in People ASBL.
About fifty people responded to the fundraising that was organized within the Makutano network to provide access to
Thanks to a first fundraising campaign launched in January 2020, the ASBL Investing in People and Makutano awarded 20 scholarships in mid-May
At the initiative of the Makutano Network and the UNDP, a hundred sewing workshops in Kinshasa were called upon to offer their services for the making of protective masks in
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